Eagle Revolution 2017

Welcome to a new school year. Welcome to a new athletic season for FGCU. Welcome to FGCU Eagle Revolution 2017.

Every year at pretty much any public university, the athletics program host a big bash for the new upcoming and returning students and student-athletes. For FGCU, it is called Eagle Revolution.

At Eagle Revolution, all the athletic teams of both genders from the programs ranging from volleyball to tennis and their coaches, gather in front of thousands of students and introduce themselves to the new and returning students. It is really lively and rambunctiously exciting.

I remember from last year's Eagle Revolution that shocked me. The FGCU softball team included me in part of their routine involving my cheer. Then player and team captain Jeanie Verderese came up to me during the event and I gave her a hug. As I finished giving her a hug, she said to me "We're gonna bring you on the court with us to do your cheer."

I was like "You're kidding right?" She was serious. I didn't know what to make of it. It was unexpected.

As the softball team was doing their traditional circle with Verderese leading, the team turned toward me, and Amber Plaza and Carissa Licata literally pulled me out of my seat. I tried to head back, they stopped me, pulled me back and handed me a microphone and told me to do my cheer that I did at every softball game I attend. Of course, how could I refuse? My heart was pounding everywhere, but they did it with me, so I wouldn't feel so nervous. I felt strong doing that.

During the summer, I talked to senior Nat Lopez about that and said "Why do I have a feeling y'all are gonna pull me out of my seat and have me do my cheer like last years Eagle Revolution? lol"

She laughed and said "We will see."

Fast forward to today, literally, students by the thousands were lined up by the door to get to the Alico Arena early to get a seat. The line went as long as across the Egret Building (a housing dormitory). Of course, me and some of the experienced returning Dirty Birds, would sit up or stand in the front.

Before the event started, some of the Dirty Birds got to play around with some of the soccer, basketball, baseball, softball and volleyball players. I got to see a lot of familiar faces I knew from last year and the year before and meet new faces that I never spoke to before until the event.

Some of the fans, cheerleaders and basketball players from both teams were playing "Knockout". I got to play a little bit with redshirt senior Jessica Cattani and redshirt sophomore transfer Brady Ernst trying to put pressure on me after they were shooting behind me. I did manage to eliminate one basketball player (No, it wasn't Brady). I eliminated freshman walk-on Ryan Roucant, but Ernst eliminated me, but I was a good sport about it after being eliminated.

During the event, I witnessed some freshman with some good spirit sit with me and I could see they were a rowdy bunch with a lot of potential.

All the teams were there and the theme for Eagle Revolution was "90s Throwback Night", which I thought worked pretty well for a millennial like myself, and I even got to high five and hugs some of the returners from last year and the year before. When the softball team was introduced, senior Emily Demurias pulled me out of my seat and had me dance to "Jump On It" with the whole team.

A lot of beach balls sponsored by Wells Fargo were thrown around and the athletes were throwing out cups, bags, shirts and frisbees. I managed to snag a bag thrown out in the stands, but I gave it to a freshman because I didn't really need it and I think she deserved to have a memorabilia for her first year at FGCU.

Of course, at Eagle Revolution, one lucky fan is drawn for a chance to win either big sum of money or a Ford Mustang parked in front of Alico. From all the times I have seen people attempt to do so, no one has won it and the streak still continued.

After the event was over, I got to meet up with the returning athletes and keep in touch with them and even met some of the newcomers like redshirt junior transfer Lisa Zderadicka from the women's basketball team and freshman Chris Clement from the men's soccer team. They were really nice to speak to and it looked like they were having a real good time out there.

It was so awesome to see all the excitement from the athletes, cheerleaders and dirty birds who watched from the stands in the Alico Arena, and just seeing that brings excitement to the world and seeing old faces and meeting new ones is worth while until the end.

As I end this blog entry, tune in for the next blog entry as I talk about the FGCU volleyball team on who they are, where they came from and what experience they bring.

Below are a few pictures with some of the athletes and my roommates:

With my roommates Gio Mendez and Dylan Sobocinski 

With freshman women's basketball player Sheahen Dowling 

With redshirt junior men's soccer player Jordan Lue 

With junior cheerleading captain Caragan Phillips

With Lisa Zderadicka

With redshirt freshman Chandler Ryan

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